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Health benefits of 2-inch belly fat loss you wouldn't believe

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Abdominal fat or a deep layer of visceral fat could be adding bulge to your belly, increasing chances of many chronic diseases . Your belly fat may be the manifestation of wrong eating choices or a sign of metabolic dysfunction. Reducing your belly fat even by 2 inches can bring myriad health benefits and can boost your longevity.

When it comes to shrinking your waistline, your diet can play a key role in it apart from regular exercises that can help you cut total body fat. Ideally women's waistline should measure less than 35 inches while men's should come around 40 inches in order to reduce risk of heart disease and obesity. Irrespective of how much fat you have accumulated, losing even 2 inches of belly fat can still bring a range of benefits for your health, and encourage you to lose more if you have not reached your target yet.

Diet experts suggest eating 500 calories less than your daily requirements in order to lose about 1lb (0.45kg) a week, which could also mean reducing your mid-section by an inch. Apart from eating, regular exercise can help burn calories and reduce total body fat.

Here's what happens to your body when you lose 2 inches of belly fat:

1. Better heart function
Losing inches around your abdominal area can greatly benefit your cardiovascular function. Eating a low-fat and low-carb diet can improve artery function, as per a study by Johns Hopkins researchers. When belly fat melts, the arteries are able to expand better, allowing blood to travel more freely, which can be a good news for your heart.

2. Reduced chronic pain
According to a recent study, excessive belly fat can contribute to chronic pain and losing a few inches can greatly help relieve it. The connection between belly fat and musculoskeletal pain is more common in women than men.

3. Lesser risk of type 2 diabetes
Several studies show that belly fat could contribute to development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Reducing even 2 inches of abdominal fat can be instrumental in cutting this risk. Reducing belly fat can also be effective for diabetes management and reversal, as it can have an impact on insulin sensitivity and glucose levels.

4. Lower risk of high blood pressure
An unhealthy amount of visceral fat around your internal organs is a major risk factor for hypertension. Losing even 2 inches of belly fat can cut your risk of developing blood pressure in future.

5. Better moodsLosing weight in general is associated with better energy levels and mental health. People who aim for inchloss are likely to enjoy improved moods and productivity.

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