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How many cups of black tea is safe to consume in a day

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Some people have the habit of drinking tea several times a day. While many people have the habit of consuming milk tea, others prefer black tea . From a health point of view, black tea is more beneficial for health. It is stronger than milk tea and helps in keeping active. People who are on a weight loss journey prefer to drink black tea. But do you know how much black tea is safe to drink in a day? What problems can you face by consuming it in excess? This article will explain all.

How black tea is beneficial for us
Black tea helps in keeping the body hydrated. Its consumption maintains energy in the body. It keeps the body active and helps in focusing on work. It contains flavonoids which help in reducing bad cholesterol. Its consumption also boosts metabolism and helps in weight loss.

How much black tea is safe to drink in a day?

If you do not have any health issue, then you can consume black tea daily. Drinking 2 to 3 cups of black tea a day is absolutely safe. But if you consume it more, then you can also be harmed. Consuming it in small quantities will not cause you any problem. But keep in mind that you do not have any health issue.

Side effects of consuming too much black tea
Black tea contains more caffeine . Therefore, due to this you can have many health problems. Drinking too much black tea can cause you digestion related problems. Due to this you may have stomach pain. Due to excessive consumption, you may need to go to urinate frequently. You may feel like vomiting and dizziness. Drinking too much black tea can increase your heartbeat. Also, you may have a problem of high BP. If you drink more than 4 cups of black tea, you may get more headaches. Excessive consumption can also cause stress and anxiety. Drinking too much black tea can make you feel irritated. You may feel heaviness in the chest and you may feel acidity. Consuming it in small quantities will not cause you any problem. But keep in mind that if you take medicine for any health problem, then take it only on the advice of a doctor

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